What is the best treatment for nail fungus?

How to treat nail fungus? This issue is of great concern to those who suffer from this disease. Or rather, suffer from it. Toenail fungus (onychomycosis) causes discomfort as the appearance of the nails becomes very unattractive. And there's no use painting over a painful nail with varnish. It is better to learn than to treat the fungus. In addition, there are many drugs that successfully fight the disease. Let's try to find the most effective remedy for toenail fungus.

healthy nails after fungus treatment

The fungus can overcome everyone, so it is necessary to know the methods of dealing with this disease.

beach fungus

It is easy to get infected with onychomycosis. Just put on the shoes of a sick person, walk barefoot on the beach or on the pool floor. The fungus prefers damp places with a fairly high temperature. There are baths, saunas, sports complexes. But it also happens that someone in the family becomes the source of infection. That's why it's so important for everyone to have their own flip-flops and wear special shoes in places suspected of infection.

Nail fungus is usually treated by adults. Among children, this disease practically does not occur. The conditions for the development of the disease are:

  • sudden decrease in immunity;
  • various diseases (diabetes mellitus, obesity, circulatory disorders in the legs, etc. );
  • age-related changes in the acid-base balance of the skin and nails.

It is impossible not to notice the fungus on the legs, the nail changes so much. The pink color becomes gray, yellow or green, the plaque thickens and crumbles, pain and itching appear at the site of the lesion.

But not only the unsightly appearance of the foot is an indication for the treatment of mycosis. The fungus during its growth and reproduction poisons nearby tissues, toxic substances accumulate and cause metabolic disorders, interfere with the normal functioning of the digestive, nervous and cardiovascular systems. If, in addition, you do not follow the rules of personal hygiene, disputes will "capture" new areas.

Fighting the fungus should be started as soon as possible and certainly under the supervision of a specialist. It is he who will help to understand the variety of means of fighting the disease and choose the right method of treatment.

medical manicure and pedicure for nail fungus

The sooner you start fighting a fungal infection, the sooner you can get rid of it.

Cream, nail polish or pills?

Means for the treatment of fungi are divided into several groups. First of all, pharmacies offer expensive drugs and medicines at affordable prices. And in this case, cheap means don't mean bad.

Second, there are many ways to treat toenail fungus. For this use:

  • varnishes;
  • creams;
  • pills;
  • folk remedies.

But be patient. If you decide to use traditional medicine, you will have to wait a long time for the result - several months or even a whole year. Ready for a quick effect? Use complex therapy - local remedies (varnishes, ointments) plus tablets. Active substances are able to accumulate in the tissues, which shortens the duration of the disease. But this is exactly the case when the treatment must be under the supervision of a doctor. Remedies for nail fungus have many contraindications, their uncontrolled use can nullify the effectiveness of treatment and lead to further progression of the disease.

Varnish is a good remedy for nail fungus at the early stage of the disease. Varnishes destroy the fungus at the cellular level. They are applied according to the scheme, the treatment is quite long. By the way, it is not forbidden to apply the usual over medical varnish. You can try a special serum as well as patches.

therapeutic bath for nail fungus

It is also recommended to carry out treatment, actively using preparations to remove the nail plate. Means do not get rid of the fungus, but simply dissolve the affected nail. Before using the funds, it is necessary to steam the feet, then dry the feet and apply the preparation. Try not to touch the skin near the nail. After the time specified in the instructions, remove the plaster with which the finger was sealed and scrape the affected tissues. This procedure is carried out until the fungus is completely eliminated.

A quite effective remedy for ringworm - creams, ointments, sprays. There are many of them, each based on the active substance:

  • naftifine;
  • ketoconazole;
  • oxiconazole;
  • terbinafine;
  • bifonazole.

Pills are the most effective remedy for nail fungus, but they are also the least safe. Children's age, liver and kidney pathologies, taking hormonal drugs are absolute contraindications to taking this drug.

The doctor will monitor the effectiveness of treatment for toenail fungus. Over time, the damaged tissue must be replaced by healthy tissue. Complete cure is confirmed in the laboratory. It is necessary to pass the necessary tests and wait for the results. You should also consider the likelihood of a drug allergy. In this case, another remedy should be used against the fungus.

Unconventional but not useless

walking in shoes on the beach to prevent fungus

The main thing to remember is that it is not recommended to walk barefoot on the beach, in a public pool, shower and the like. These places are a threat to your legs.

In the fight against ringworm, all means are good. Some of them are quite unexpected. Here, for example, creoline is a drug used in veterinary medicine. Feedback on its effectiveness is positive. It has antiseptic, disinfectant and antiparasitic action.

Mouthwash will also help treat fungus. Baths with apple cider vinegar, Fukortsin, a blend of lavender and tea tree essential oils are also used as medicines. Natural oils are necessary, which means they cannot be cheap.

In combination with drug therapy, it is good to use folk remedy treatment. Here are some of the most effective ways.

  1. In the morning and evening, treat your nails with tincture of iodine (1 drop is enough). The duration of treatment is 10 days. There may be pain. It should pass in 2-3 days.
  2. Grind 2 cloves of garlic and mix with the butter (100 g). In a day, treat the feet with the resulting ointment. Repeat every day for a month. The result can be seen after a week of application.
  3. Dissolve 1 tbsp. I. sea salt in 1 liter of hot water. Soak your feet in the solution every day for 2 weeks straight
  4. Moisten the cotton in an alcoholic solution of propolis and apply for 15 minutes on the affected nail. The procedures continue for 3 weeks.
  5. Cut a circle of lemon into 2 parts, attach to the affected nail, secure with a bandage and polyethylene. It is enough to carry out this procedure for 8-10 days.
  6. Rub kombucha daily on the painful nail. The course of treatment is 20 days.
  7. Mix equal amounts of chamomile, violet and string. Pour a liter of boiling water, leave for 2 hours. Moisten the gauze in the resulting infusion, apply to the nail.
  8. Grind 100 g of poplar bark, boil in 0. 5 liters of water. Grow your nails in this decoction. Then treat them with a mixture of washing powder and soda (1 tsp each). Treat daily.
  9. Mix 70% vinegar essence with water in 1/1 proportions. Add flour. Fix the resulting mass on the nail. The skin must not come into contact with the mass. After a few days, the affected nail will come off and a healthy one will grow in its place.

There are many popular methods by which treatment is carried out. Many believe that this therapy is the best remedy for nail fungus.

don't go barefoot

It is unlikely that you will be able to protect yourself 100% from nail fungus. But it is worth remembering about preventive measures, mainly because they are not so complicated, and medicines are mostly expensive.

Don't try on new shoes barefoot, make sure you put on a sock. Wash your feet with soap before going to bed. Wear special shoes in showers, saunas, swimming pools, on the beach. If you suffer from sweating, use special preparations. Change socks, stockings, tights every day.

The fungus is difficult to defeat, but it is quite possible.

As well as not getting infected.